MotionFlexa Premium Yoga Equipment

MotionFlexa offers innovative product design to return to the core tenets of Pilates. It restores essential balance through targeted stretching that induces whole-body wellness. Only when the body is truly in balance can it start to relax, recover and heal itself.

The range of six apparatuses have been designed through the insights of physiotherapy and medical professionals to achieve three full-body targeted therapies.

  1. Light stretching – reduces pain through proper contraction and relaxation of tight or knotted muscles.
  2. Rehabilitation – increases flexibility and blood flow while improving muscle endurance to relieve pain in joints and muscles.
  3. High-intensity muscle exercise – strengthens key zones and improves muscle response, preventing injury.


Users enjoy light stretching at the start of a workout, moving through MotionFlexa’s novel assisted stretching positions to high-intensity muscle exercises. At each stage users exercise comfortably and without strain, building endurance continually.

Conceived, designed and constructed in South Korea to the highest global standards, MotionFlexa’s range is for homeowners looking for the next level in Pilates equipment. Each product offers years of satisfying use and is backed by Seara’s renowned warranties, buy-back schemes and maintenance packages to restore a sense of harmony and peace of mind.
